Friday, July 6, 2012

Family Pictures

Family pictures

We just got these taken at the end of June!!  Just click on the link.  Enjoy!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sawyer - Four Months Old

Race for Alex

Casey and Sawyer

Casey running....

Giving Maddox a high-five in his stroller.

Becky and Maddox

Sawyer - Three Months Old

Molly, Sawyer and Claire

To The Zoo....

Aunt Molly, Uncle Carl, Honey, Maddox, Pierce, and Claire all went to the zoo in May.  They had a fabulous time.  All the kids enjoyed getting together and played very well together!

Sawyer - Two Months Old

Random Sawyer and Maddox Pics

Sawyer Bennett

 Little Brother and Big Brother!!

 Poppy George and Sawyer

Hannah, Maddox, Pappy, Sawyer, and Emma

Sawyer - One Month Old

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Introducing......Sawyer Bennett Patterson

On Friday, February 17th 2012, we welcomed an 8lb 8oz / 20.5 in baby boy into the world!!  Sawyer Bennett Patterson was born at 12:04 am and everybody is happy and healthy!!

Proud Daddy and Mommy!!!

Sawyer Bennett Patterson

 Proud Grandparents!!

 Daddy and his new baby boy.

 Aunt Lindale

 Cousin Hannah

Cousin Emma

Daddy and the new "big brother" Maddox

Time to go home.....

Home safe and sound.

 Sawyer's first photo shoot thanks to Honey!!